Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Business Goal Setting 2015

Happy New Year!!

2015 has finally arrived and I know many of you may be thinking or have already prepared your goals for your business. So, here are a few of my Goal Setting tips that I recommend.
Goals are the object of a person's ambition or effort. An aim or desired result. 
Goals are very important to have as a business owner because it helps you stay focused on things that you want to attain. 

 Setting Goals:
 One of the first things you should do is brainstorm about what you want to accomplish. 
 Then come up with ideas and write them down.

 Start putting your goals in order and began giving yourself a time frame to have them done. You can also number them (1-10) for the ones you think are of most importance.

Set Deadlines:
 Choose which goals are the most important and set a specific date that it has to be achieved.

Create an action plan by using S.M.A.R.T 

Specific- Clear Goals

Measurable- Progress on your goals

Attainable- Able to be done.

Revelant- To your purpose

TimeBased- Scheduling, Time Frame
